
You have searched for: 'targeted marketing email'

Targeted imagery in email marketing

When I was a young, aspiring writer I knew the first names of editors but was frightened of using them. My rejection rate gradually dropped as I fathomed what each one favoured. I was targeting my submissions before email marketing was invented. My next step was to predict the style of image each editor would … READ MORE »

Targeted email marketing tips

Targeted email marketing is seen as the safe way of going about our business but it is not. Safe is a misnomer: it is anything but. If you do not take risks then you are risking your company.  Any Google search using the words high street and closures will bring in hundreds of results. It … READ MORE »

The Next Step For Your Email Campaign

We’ve recently discussed the first three matters that need to be settled when you are planning an email marketing campaign: what the purpose is, who would be interested and the specifics of that group of subscribers. These are the basics. Everything you do now should be built on this foundation. While those on your segmented email … READ MORE »

Opportunism In email Marketing

You are, no doubt, wondering how marketing strategies will change due to Covid-19 and which direction you should take in planning email marketing campaigns. Histories will be written on the subject and, as they will all disagree, how can we hope to be definitive? The one thing you might consider is to check for trends … READ MORE »

Building Positive Emotion In Email Marketing

I write about a form of advertising and research it; I subscribe to a number of email marketing lists, most of which I would not have bothered with even if I had more money. I know which are effective. I can see when they’ve targeted their email well. I read them through, concentrating on method, … READ MORE »

Always Modify An Email Template

I don’t like being prescriptive, but it is not a good idea to use an email marketing template ‘straight out of the box’. It will have been designed by a professional, and as you’ve had no graphic art experience, you might not feel the need to prove it by messing it up.  There’s only so … READ MORE »

Advocates, the holy grail of email marketing

The final stage of the marketing funnel model is Advocacy. It’s the aspect that gives the greatest returns. After all, potential customers believe reviews before whatever you say in an email marketing campaign. Get advocacy sorted and so is your company’s future.  It is not the easiest aspect of the marketing funnel to crack, though … READ MORE »

Awareness – the start of the email marketing funnel

Making yourself apparent to your target audience has always been the difficult aspect of email marketing. No matter how good your offers are, if your customers are not aware of them, they won’t sell.  The more blanket forms of advertising, such as TV and other types of what we might call scatter-gun methods, have been … READ MORE »

Whatever you want, email marketing can do it for you

What is your next email marketing campaign going to do for you? Will it just be selling a product that you need to move? If so, then you are missing one of the strengths of email marketing.   Whilst many will say that each email marketing campaign should focus on one aspect and one aspect … READ MORE »


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