
You have searched for: 'split tests'

Can You Trust The Returns From A Split Test?

Split testing is just about as dependable a tool as we have for validating a change in an email marketing campaign. We have an original, the control, and we compare it to one, the variant, that has a single feature that is different from the control. It stands to reason that if the variant gives … READ MORE »

Going beyond split testing; your data returns

You have a brilliant idea that will secure you an increase in completions. You have confidence that it will be something of a revolution but as you’ve been in email marketing for more than a few months you accept that you need to split test your next campaign to prove how good it is. Split … READ MORE »

Target Your Campaigns On An Emotive Response

Emotions play a major factor in most decisions we make, from what wine to have with dinner to the model of fridge-freezer that we keep the food in. From the point of view of someone involved in email marketing, logic has very little impact. After all we go by our data and what's good for … READ MORE »

Generating metrics for segmentation

We all could do with more metrics for segmentation in email marketing campaigns. You might well feel frustrated at the rate at which the information comes to you. However, there are ways to encourage subscribers to give you more information. There are, I am informed, two types of people who buy software: those who consider what … READ MORE »

Percentage Reduction or Price Reduction?

According to a television news programme, one of the major high street retailers is considering doing away with percentages when referring to reductions in pricing. It was not over the whole range; just about 50%. A quick perusal of their website shows that they haven’t yet entered wholeheartedly into a review of their price reductions. … READ MORE »

How colour can be used to influence readers

I am, like around 8% of European males, partially colour-blind. In women, the rate is considerably lower, at around 0.5%. On top of that, there are many different kinds of colour blindness. You might be wondering whether there’s any point in trying to influence subscribers to your email marketing list with colour when there are … READ MORE »

Testing for email marketing excellence

Everyone knows how to test in email marketing. Every now and again you pick something to that might respond to a slight change, you split your email marketing list and if the returns show one gives better results than the other, you use that forever more. Whilst this might seem a bit patronising, it is … READ MORE »

Not so random email marketing

In previous articles on testing the suggestion has been that you should divide your email list randomly. This is, statisticians reckon, impossible but the best you can do is good enough. However, there are times where it can be beneficial to be partial. If, for instance, you are disappointed to find that your click-through rate … READ MORE »

Testing in Email Marketing

Testing is an essential in email marketing. Unless you test and test again you will not only fail to realise the full potential of any campaign but you will also lose a lot of ground to your competition. It is easy enough to ensure that your tests give accurate and useful data. The most common … READ MORE »


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