Email Campaign Management

WizEmail Blog :: A festive prompt

Christmas is nearly on us. Advent calendars across the country have open doors so there is only one thing for us in email marketing to do: plan for Easter.

We are just recovering from Black Friday and there are still the presents to send off, let alone be given, and here we are talking about bunnies.

You might well be considering an overall theme for Easter. Perhaps you are going traditional with said bunnies, and also chocolate and eggs being major features. Or you might be concentrating on the religious aspects of the occasion given the subscribers to your email marketing lists.

The main difficulty with annual events is that they happen every year and new ideas can be difficult to come up with. I’ve lost count of the number of web-based Easter egg hunts that it’s been suggested I should take part in. 

An idea might be to break down the holiday into feature events. The festival timing is based on the vernal equinox so people will be looking forward to a long period of better weather despite it being hardly unknown for it to snow on Easter Day.

The extended school holidays can be a catalyst for everything from holidays away to redecorating, much depending on when Easter Day falls. As someone with an eclectic memory, I know the date for Easter Day is the first Sunday after the first full Moon after the spring equinox. It doesn’t take a lot of working out to realise that there is a 28 day variation.

Whilst you are checking this on Wiki, look for more obscure facts about the festival. Where do bunnies come from and what’s with the pesky eggs?

If you want to promote a holiday during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, you can make a feature of its connection with Shrove Tuesday, although pancakes are not the most memorable attraction. Despite speaking French well enough to make most natives grimace, the significance of the literal translation passed me by.Happy Christmas from the WizBots

Folk law is fascinating and there are many different traditions around the world. You do not have to go that far as Germany has a complex relationship with festivals. Whether you are brave enough to emphasise the fertility festival will depend on how well you know your subscribers. You could consider an email marketing campaign based on the historic/pre-Christian solar festivals, the advantage being that you have four throughout the year.

Another bonus of this is that much is speculation, there being little writing from before the Roman invasion. Pick one that suits your promotion, and even if it turns out that it is wrong, then you will have a considerable number of historians on your side. 

Consider a prolonged campaign. This year Mothering Sunday comes a few weeks before Easter Sunday, and in the middle of Lent, so take care out there. A gift you suggested would be perfect for her might well have an additional plug-in that would enhance her enjoyment

Whatever you plan, make it something a bit different, a bit daring, and hopefully a bit more profitable. 

Happy Christmas.



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