Email Automation

Video content in email marketing

The Internet provides us with a way of indulging ourselves. It is a tool for communication, information, entertainment and, as shown by email marketing software, is sometimes a painful source of irrefutable feedback. It has also allowed people to fulfil their dreams. Kindle can make you an author and YouTube turn us all into Ridley Scott.

With views in the millions many YouTube videos become international hits and topics of conversation in no time. So it seems odd that so few marketing emails exploit the potential of videos.

With many email service providers blocking embedded video, now is probably not a good time to take them on. However an email with a link to a YouTube video or to one hosted on your own micro site could provide a way of making your email an event. Continue with it and it could become anticipated. Your email marketing software will tell you if open rates increase.

Before setting off to wander the streets with a camcorder, work out what you want from your video. A general rule is to support and strengthen your message so if your email concentrates on the ease of use of your product; have a link to a video showing it being used easily.

The companies using videos in email marketing should not deter you from trying. The BT adverts show that sophistication is not an essential.

As always there is a cost. Professionally produced videos do not come cheap, in fact they come expensive. With no evidence to support an increase in ROI a full blown Hollywood production is not really on. Conversely, there is nothing worse than a poorly produced video.

Keep it short, keep it clear and keep it focused. The most important thing to avoid is pretension. Pick one point of your product that you wish to emphasise and focus on that. If the beach experience is something you feel will sell the holiday then the subject matter is obvious.

Experimenting with video carries little risk. If your email marketing software shows a singular lack of take-up then you could leave it for later. If however your customers seemed to enjoy it then you could be that one step ahead of your competitors.

Here's one we put together as an example –



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