Email Campaign Management

Counting Down

It was my birthday a few days ago. I’ve reached the age when I don’t really want to remember how many years have passed but I had no chance of forgetting. When I opened my inbox there were dozens of reminders. Various programmes generated the auto responses, particularly email marketing software.

Whilst I appreciated the emails from friends, this seemingly replacing birthday cards for the majority (which I feel is a good thing), the ones sent by digital processes without the participation, apart from setting up, of a human were a little cold. That said, I ran through them all to see if any were making offers that were worthwhile.

There were a number of items which I would not normally pick for myself but which were interesting. One was a book which contained no new information on the subject but I would read because of the different slant taken by the author. It was not the sort of thing I’d normally buy but it would have been excellent as a present.

The offer showed that the company had used their email marketing software well. The item intrigued me and I read through the entire email. The problem from my point of view was that it had come too late for me to suggest it to anyone who might be struggling for ideas as to what to buy for me. Had the timing been better the company would have made a sale.

What makes an event useful in email marketing depends to a great extent on what you produce but there are general overriding pointers.
1. Relevant to Your Product
Whilst the recent Royal Wedding was an event by anyone’s definition, if you are selling printer inks then suggesting you have a connection is likely to bring derision on you. Those that took a risk might have invested their time and effort better.

2. Timely
By 1st December, Christmas has already gone. Make sure the results of your planning arrive in the inbox of your customers when they are about to start theirs.

3. Profitable
If the event is significant then make significant profits from it. Have a product where the event will enhance its worth, and charge accordingly.

4. Relevant to Your Customers
The more significance the event for the particular subscribers, the better the returns. Section your email marketing list to pick those in the demographic likely to respond positively to the event as well as the product.
Making the email offer personal to the receiver is the most important point of all. I have bought sporting thermal underwear, yes, it does exist, annually for around ten years. I normally buy it at the beginning of September, the start of the season. What surprises me is that none of the companies I’ve bought from in the past have made me part of an email marketing campaign in August.

Further, I should be offered hand-warmers, thermal socks, waterproof boots, possibly umbrellas, maybe even medical insurance. Now though it is November and I have replaced all the worn-out items.
September for me, and for email marketing companies I’ve bought from before, is an event. I should be a target for selling and not just birthday wishes.



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