Email Design

Email marketing for mobile devices

I reviewed a couple of articles I’d written two or so years ago on the subject of how mobile devices are changing email marketing and I was surprised to find words I hardly use nowadays, such as Blackberry. Obviously, many people still prefer them but they are becoming niche. It shows how quickly technology develops as well as highlighting the fact that it is essential to check your procedures regularly.

One positive aspect of all this is that we are no longer in the midst of a mobile revolution. We are onto the next stage as there has been, thankfully, some stabilisation in the various operating systems and there are fewer pitfalls. 

We all realise that preparing a marketing email for reading on mobile devices, something as small as a smartphone, is an essential, and has been for some time, but as phones and their operating systems change we have to modify ours. Here are a few pointers to help you in your next review. 

1. Subject Line

Everything on the email should be as short as possible. Rather obviously, people read mobiles on the move and clever word play, subtle meanings and obscurity are treats of the past. 

The Subject Line needs to be no more than 30 characters to ensure it is not cut off. In many marketing emails I receive, four words seem to be the norm. It is irritating to find the Subject Line curtailed to the extent that it makes no sense.

2. Preheader 

The preheader is that bit of the marketing email which is displayed via the inbox before the email is opened. It is vital to make this brief line compelling. Some suggest it is the main promoter for opening an email. You should use your WizEmail's Design Bot will help you create a mobile-friendly email marketing campaignemail marketing lists to hone each one for a specific segmented section. 

Make it follow on from the Subject Line. If it states: ‘Your Last Chance to Win’, then underneath specify the prize. If you’re paying for a holiday in the Seychelles, milk it. 

3. From name

The From name is displayed prominently and the recipient will see it first. Reassure them that it comes from a trusted source, and the offer is likely to be tempting.  

4. Text

Keep copy to a minimum and in an easily read typeface.  

5. Images

Any picture must be clear and easily understood so have the object large and on a plain or transparent background. 

6. Thumbs

Make buttons large enough to ensure those with large fingers find it easy to click on. Some suggest 47 x 47px as a minimum with sufficient space around it. 

7. Landing page

Ensure the dedicated landing page is mobile friendly as well. People are increasingly buying via mobile devices and squinting is not a prelude to a purchase.

8. Check

Read your email on mobiles with various operating systems, and on phones of varying age. When a new operating system update arrives, ensure your marketing emails and landing pages are displayed correctly. 

There has been some stabilisation of phone operating systems but there is still regular updates. Keep up to date on latest developments.





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